Composting is the managed process of combining brown and green organic matter in way that accelerates decomposition. The acceleration is achieved by layering both orchad trimmings and kitchen scraps with the right amount of air, moisture and heat. Billions of microbes in the organic matter break down the blend leaving a rich soil conditioner and fertilizer.
Where to compost. Some folks build their compost pile in heap in a angle of the backyard. Others use chicken wire enclosures, homemade containers or commercial bins. If possible, pick an area in your yard that gets a lot of sun to start your composting. If this isn't possible, just pick a spot and understand that your compost may take a microscopic longer to "cook". Most commercial compost bins are black or a very dark green to suck up as much of the sun's heat as possible. The higher the temperature in your compost, the faster those scraps and clippings will break down.
What to compost. The microorganisms that decompose the organic material in compost need carbon, nitrogen, air and moisture to survive. Brown materials contribute most of the carbon and green materials furnish nitrogen. The blend should be about one part green to three parts brown. The ratio of brown to green is important to keep the pile working.
Brown ingredients comprise things that have already started to decay such as dried leaves, dried grass, straw and dried wood chips. As this material dries out, it changes from a high-nitrogen material into a carbon material. Shredded newspaper with soy ink can also be added to compost in moderation.
Green ingredients comprise kitchen scraps like fruit, vegetables, coffee grounds, tea bags and eggshells. orchad clippings such as green grass clippings, cut flowers and green leaves - anyone from the orchad that is still green, not dried, can be added to your compost as a "green" material. The smaller the size of the materials the best because the material will break down more quickly
Do not compost pet waste, meats, oils, dairy products, diseased plants or plants treated with weed killers.
Starting your compost. The first layer should consist of common materials to allow air to be drawn up into the pile from the bottom. Place 4 inches of brush, twigs, and straw as the bed of your compost. Next add a layer of brown materials. On top of that add some good orchad soil or compost, this will introduce microorganisms and help get the new batch started faster. Add a layer of green material and repeat - brown, orchad soil and green materials. Make sure the layers are no more than four inches high.
Moisten each layer with a fine mist from the orchad hose. Too much moisture can cause temperatures to fall within the pile (and make it smell). Too microscopic moisture slows down the decomposition rate and keeps the pile from heating up.
Turning your compost. Compost needs air and must be turned regularly - once a week is good If the compost pile isn't turned often it will take a long time for the organic matter to turn into usable compost. It can take from 6 months to two years without turning. The bacteria needs air to survive and get it's job done. Also, if there isn't an sufficient furnish of air the compost may smell.
When is my compost ready to use? The closed compost will have an earthy aroma, dark color, and crumbly texture. Wait until the compost is cold to use, never use it when it is still cooking. If there is any recognizable material in the compost, use a screen to detach this material from the usable compost. Return the unfinished material to the fabricate pile to perfect the process.
The newly completed compost will enhance your garden's soil buildings by enabling the soil to maintain nutrients, water and air more effectively. It will also furnish the requisite nutrients your plants need to be salutary and happy.
Backyard Composting