Emanuel Celler once said, "I didn't know then that I would never be able to leave the sounds and smells of these sights behind me, but I was fiercely known of one thing-my ambition."
Undoubtedly, many hunters have felt the sentiment of Cellar's words flowing through their body at the beginning of the hunt. Hunting is more than a sport it is a science and for the precision minded, detail-oriented hunter the pay-off can be huge.
De-scenting has been a technique employed by hunters for hundreds of years. The early forms of de-scenting were severely less involved and surely less costly than manufactured products and methods available today. De-scenting is a involved process that when done correctly brings the hunt to the hunter and acts as an guarnatee course against prey free days.
The conjecture for de-scenting is to stop human odor that would prevent animals from approaching the hunting site or the hunter. Without de-scenting any turn in environmental conditions for example wind, weather, or even perspiration could alert the animals to the human element and cause them to flee alerting other possible prey in the process.
Organic or Homemade De-scenting
Nature attracts animals and citizen all by itself. Some of the most favorable and thrifty solutions will be right at the hunting or camping site. For the ultra ready hunter that prefers to hunt au natural it is imperative to set aside a join of days prior to the trip to get the hunting clothes completely de-scented.
Initially before creating smells that will attract the superior prey all clothing must be devoid of smell. Often washing machines, especially in social washers, maintain residue from laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and brighteners in particular. Before washing any hunting apparel, it is best to run the washing motor once with only water on the hot with an extra rinse cycle and then once replacing your general laundry products with pure baking soda. Now that the washing motor is ready and presumably scent free it is time to wash the clothes.
The first wash cycle is specifically to loosen and take off dirt any previous dirt, this is the hot water cycle with the extra rinse and no other additives. The second cycle is to start removing the scent, use a hot water cycle with an extra rinse, and replace the general laundry soap with an equal estimate of baking soda.
The best options for drying the clothes are to line dry or hang them exterior and allow them to soak up the smell of the outdoors. If line drying is not an selection or the air is not outdoorsy enough the next best organic medicine is to gather, a large sheet of cheesecloth (or tiny holed mesh fabric) and cut it into some small sections. Acquire about a one pound box (like a spread able margarine container) full of dirt, it is prominent that it be from a wooded area and not potting soil or some manufactured dirt containing preservatives, scents or pesticides that an animal could pick up a scent from. Place about two to three tablespoons of dirt onto each piece of cheesecloth and close the cheesecloth with a twist tie.
Do not skimp on buying cheesecloth. It is available in the baking section of most market or if not than try, the local fabric store and ask for a favorable alternative. Once the cheesecloth is securely closed, find an airtight plastic box and place some of the dirt-filled clothes on the lowest of the container. Next, add the folded clothes, layer the dirt in between the clothes, when complete Acquire the lid, and store the box somewhere out of the way, where it will remain undisturbed until the trip. The longer the clothes stay locked away with the dirt the earthier the smell.
Of course, if the hunting trip is already under way the clothes the best clarification is to rinse the clothes in any stream or creek with flowing water and then hung from a tree. This will save some steps and the clothes come to be peppered with a scent already customary to the local animals. To generate a stronger scent rub the clothes with dirt once they are dry.
Store Scent Eliminators
For the more hurried hunter that has less time invested in preparation for the trip and is eager to enjoy the great outdoors there are numerous manufactured items and brands available.
Depending on the intensity of the hunt, there is surely a goods to meet the need of every hunter. Many Native Americans still use a sweat lodge to remove, toxins, and scents from the body before a big hunt. Since sweat lodges are not always effortlessly available, it may be more favorable to alter your diet for some days prior to hunting. Abstaining from spicy or highly pungent foods like hot sauce, garlic, onions, and the like will immediately turn a person's scent, in expanding challenging more than the usual estimate of water will also aid in neutralizing the human scent. It is a good idea to stay away from cologne, scented deodorant, mouthwash, or soap. To replace scented deodorant and anti-perspirants try using a salt crystal. Salt crystals are available in the natural attractiveness section of major market or in a condition food store. The salt crystal is a bit more costly than regular deodorant but it will last longer and is less likely to offend your prey.
Major outdoor market like Bass Pro Shops, Cabelas, Hunter Specialties and many more offer de-scenting, mouthwash, deodorants, shampoos, conditioners, carbon scented clothes wash, and scent blockers for the skin. Among the plethora of products available are carbon scented bags for storing clothes, carbon enriched dryer sheets and fabric softeners. The carbon is a natural neutralizing agent and rapidly soaks up any scent. A more effortlessly available, perhaps less costly alternative is using cedar chips, block or hangers and sealing clothes off in an airtight packaging or in a sealed dress bag. If the task of de-scenting clothes is too daunting many market offer scent eliminating t-shirts, underwear, socks, gloves, jackets and boot pads.
Scent Attractors
With all human odors neutralized, it is time to re-scent and attract prey. Once again, many outdoor market offer easy pre-made products that work to any hunter's advantage. There is a range of items beginning with rotten meet scented incense, alfalfa-honey chewing gum to camouflage the breath, and bottled animal scents for any hunted animal. The animal scents derived from the animal's urine, are perfect at attracting other animals. Some animal lures are specifically for the times when animals are in heat and therefore would be attracted to animals of the opposite sex.
Besides the skin and clothes there are a range of items that go near the hunting stand to attract animals. Animals in heat are in a rut. Most manufactures offer buck, doe, elk, and other rut-scented wafers. The wafers come in a reusable box and hang from a tree or towards the lowest of the stand. Plastic leaf shaped fans impregnated with the natural scent of acorn, earth or natural vegetation are an additional one popular item. The fans are equipped with a hanger at the top for ease of use, and when stored in air tight packaging or vacuum-sealed bags are completely reusable. Trail drags are highly useful in prominent prey to exactly the right spot. A trail drag combined with a rut scent will simulate a buck on the trail of a doe and immediately capture the concentration of other trophy-winning bucks.
When it comes to gadgets, there is a veritable cornucopia of challenging and efficient hunting enhancers from which to choose.
Wind Trackers attach to a zipper and contain feather light fibers surely dispersed to track the direction of the wind. The fibers are so light that even when scented they can travel a great distance attracting animals all the while.
Hunting and camping often fall short of providing indoor plumbing or even outhouses. During the early morning and long days, the last thing a hunter needs is to leave camp to find facilities or camouflage the smell of human urine. A join of manufactures have invented the perfect solution! Disposable, degradable, scent free urination pouches that contain a granulated substance that converts urine into a scent-neutralized gel. These pouches do not leak even when punctured because liquid turns immediately into gel.
Bombers are excellent in vigor and attracting concentration because they filtered with doe pee, doe estrus, dominant buck, or curiosity scent. Each bomber attracts animals up to a 1/8 of a mile radius. Bombers scented once activated the bomber empties itself and begins to work immediately.
Last but not least, every hunter needs camouflage face paint. some brands offer water resistant, face paint. Face pains for hunters offer no scent and contain properties that decelerate the growth of odor causing bacteria.
What ever the prey and either the remedies are store bought or home made there is enough de-scenting technology available to attract enough wild animals to make any hunter look like a pro.
De-Scenting for the Hunter