Believe it or not, a remedy for sleep apnea without Cpap, includes the environment in which you sleep. It's been proven time and again!
This description will impart to you how loud noises, even noises you don't consider to be loud, can disrupt your sleep without you even knowing it!
Loud noises disturb sleep even in citizen who say they are not awakened by the noises and cannot remember them in the morning.
This was tested in a Los Angeles neighborhood settled close to the airport. First, most citizen interviewed said they had become used to the airplanes and were no longer bothered by them. Then, the researchers went to their homes and did sleep recordings there, hooking up the recording electrodes to tiny transmitters and parking a receiving truck in peoples driveways to read the brain waves.
They found that even citizen who had lived in the noisy neighborhood for six years or longer and who claimed that they were totally habituated to the noise still awakened often when airplanes flew over. Indeed, measured over the whole night, citizen in the noisy neighborhood had about one hour less sleep than citizen in a more quiet neighborhood.
If you have to sleep in a noisy environment, a noise screen is probably a good idea and can be a great remedy for sleep apnea without Cpap. Have a fan running, or an air conditioner. There also are machines that produce soothing noises, such as the sound of the surf or the gentle patter of rain. Or you can screen out noise with a white-noise engine that produces a soothing neutral sound without pattern or meaning. (To get homemade white noise, tune an Fm radio between two stations.)
We can differentiate between sounds in our sleep, too, so what causes a sound can be important. A soft sound that suggests mice gnawing in the bedroom wall might disturb sleep well beyond the power of the sounds actual noise level to disturb sleep. Likewise, we may wake up if the baby whimpers, but ignore much louder traffic noises we are used to.
Probably most leading remedy for sleep apnea without Cpap: citizen vary widely in their sensitivity to noise during sleep. In an early study at the University of Chicago, we found that some citizen awaken at a bare whisper of 15 decibels above background noise, and others don't awaken until a disco-level noise of over 100 decibels is reached. In addition, sensitivity to noise increases with age, and women are more sensitive to noise than men are.
Wake-up thresholds also depend on the stage of sleep. The threshold even may depend on dream content. If the sleeper somehow incorporates the noise into a dream, it may be easier to sleep straight through it.
The threshold also depends on the need for sleep; as the need for sleep decreases during the night, each stage of sleep becomes progressively lighter, and awakening becomes easier. If you've been deprived of sleep for several nights, it is more difficult to wake you.
This description described controlling your environment as a remedy for sleep apnea without Cpap.
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